The question that needs to be asked, "Do know of any Friends, Family or Co-Workers that are looking to Buy or Sell?" By asking appropriately, consistently and methodically, we pick up referrals. The referral usually comes after the close, when they are confident in our abilities. "Thank you for the privilege of being part of

your home-buying your journey. Will you do me a favor?

When your family and friends ask questions about your

home-buying experience or real estate in general, will you let them know that

you “Got a Guy?”...that you really have a Team.

Can you do that for us? I sure would appreciate it." By asking throughout the process and post close, our clients are more likely to refer us as they are conditioned to to do so. I don't stop there. Using the Annual Financial Review, I create additional referral opportunities to our Financial Team consisting of CPAs, Trust Attorneys and Financial Planners (Not to mention...friends, family and co-workers.) The leads from your clients come back to you. Always Asking.