Borrower: Cost of Waiting

Version #1

Questions to ask someone who defers because they won’t be buying for a while.

1."Well, how far out are you from buying?"

2. "Who else have you spoken with about financing?"

3. "Are you currently working with another realtor?"

4."Who is it?"

5. "What have they told you about what you need to be doing to prepare for the home purchase?"

Explaining the value of starting early with finance

  1. “What I found is a lot of home buyers don't see the importance of starting early with their financing so that they can get their ducks in a row to qualify for the best loan program and most competitive terms when the time comes to buy the house. The very minor impact to their credit to have the inquiry is very much worth what we can give as far as advice to help better situate you so you're ready for your home purchase six months, nine months, 12 months down the line. Is there anything that you have any concerns about before starting the conversation of kind of getting home ready?”

Version #2

Explaining the two paths forward to a prospect who may or may not be ready to buy

“You know what, ____, first of all, thank you for calling. We're super excited to help. We have two paths that we take clients down, and I just want to know which one is more appropriate for you. The first path is going to be pretty much a 30,000-foot overview. I'm going to ask you a lot of questions. So I'm going to get them as much information as possible. I won't need to run your credit, I won't need to collect your documents, but it will tell me more or less, can you buy a home? And then, if I believe that you should, and it's in your best interest, we'll do a consultation where we just show you an overview. So different purchase prices that you could buy, different down payments, different monthly payments, and help you just get an understanding of, 'Yeah, I think I should do this,' or 'Maybe now is not the right time

Either outcome is okay, right? Because either we'll develop a plan, a strategy, and a timeline for later, or we'll realize that it's actually better to do it now, and then we can take those steps. The other path is if you really believe that you can buy a home and should buy a home, and you think that you're going to take that step, we'll do an actual, or very detailed analysis. So then we would, we'd access your credit profile, we'd look at your income, we'd analyze your assets, and we'd do a pretty detailed approval. And then, when we have our consultation, we'll show you exact numbers, max purchase price, down payment, max monthly payment, and you'll have a really clear picture of how to go execute on a home purchase.

________, which path would you like to go down? Either one is fine because, to be honest, I'm not attached to the outcome. I just want to make sure that we're helping you in the most appropriate way possible."