Borrower: What's Your Rate

Option #1

That’s a great question!

Rates can vary based on several factors, such as credit score, loan amount, down payment, and the type of loan you choose. I built my business on never quoting inaccurately.

Has anyone taken the time to explain how mortgage-backed securities work or lock periods or Loan Level Price Adjustments?

Comparing your anticipated hold period versus paying points or not paying points?

Has anyone explained permanent buydowns vs. temporary buydowns to you?

I would like to take a few minutes to discuss your situation to give you an accurate quote that fits your goals. I will combine several options in an online comparison showing each option's total cost and payment. I will compare different hold periods so you can make an educated decision on the right option for you. Instead of me telling you, the comparison allows me to show.

Can I ask you a few questions now(Dreams and goals Survey)?

Option #2

Listen, I have built my business on never quoting inaccurately.

So to do that I need to get some of your information and spend some time with you to find out if it is a good fit. If it is, I would love to build a custom e-comparison and show you the total cost analysis of options.

We like to give you several options, because at the end of the day what fits for client A, might not fit for you. And we want to build something that works for you.

A lot of times people want me to diagnose their situation and give them rates and fees, but we weren't give the time to get to know the family, person.

It's kind of like asking my mechanic to give me a quote without lifting the hood of the car.

We have built our practice on not ever quoting inaccurately.

So if it OK with you, we would like to get that information, and send you a custom comparison, so you can see rates and fees built for you, not the average consumer.

My interest rates vary depending on the type of loan program and your credit score. I know that rates are very important; however, the lowest rate with the wrong type of loan can cost you thousands of dollars. It’s important that I not only advise you on the best loan program and lower closing costs, but most of all, provide you with an on-time loan closing.

Are you calling other mortgage companies for rates? (Yes)

Rather than call around for interest rates, I would like to suggest that you also ask questions about the integrity of the loan officer and the reputation of the mortgage company.

However, I’d like to be your loan officer, but I want to be certain that a timely closing is just as important to you as a low interest rate.

What is the closing date you are shooting for and what type of loan are you considering? I want to honestly let you know whether or not I can meet that closing date based on the time it will take to process your loan

“Well Dave, have you been watching what's been going on in the interest rate market? I assume you've seen what's happened since the end of 2017?”

“Well yes, I have a little bit.”

“Okay, well let me explain where we are in the cycle, because you may not be writing an offer today, so my rate today may be really irrelevant. Let me explain to you a little bit about where we're going in the future in terms of interest rates, find out a little bit more about your situation, and then let's talk about creating a loan program that's going to have the least amount of costs during the time horizon that you plan to be in the home.”

“Look, from 2007 to 2017, we have the Federal Reserve buying $4.7 trillion of mortgage backed securities and treasury bills, artificially bringing interest rates down. That process has ended at the end of 2017 and now, we're in a period where interest rates are going to revert to the mean or revert to the average, which is about 7.75%.”

I have a little graph that I use and I'll actually send them, while I'm on the email.

“Hey Dave, are you at your email? Okay cool, what's your email? Let me send you this graph.”

Option #3

Conversation with a prospect explaining how rates work and the difference between a rate quote with and without the loan application.

Prospect: "Ryan, I'm just calling you. I'm looking to buy a home. I'm just trying to research different lenders. Can you tell me what's your rate?"

You: "Well, Mr. Smith, that's a great question. Right now, interest rates are ranging probably anywhere from the low 5% range all the way up to the 9% range. Are you familiar with what's happening in the mortgage industry and how interest rates have been fluctuating lately?"

Prospect: "Kind of. I know rates have gone up."

You: "Okay. Well, do you mind if I ask, have you gone through this process before? Have you been pre-approved? Or, I guess most importantly, do you know how mortgage rates work and how they work from different lender to different lender?" "Well, no, not really. Again, I'm just trying to figure out who's got good or low-interest rates." "Okay. Do you mind if I help you understand because I think if you're really searching for the lowest interest rate, I want to talk to you about the positives and negatives of that strategy." Are you okay with me just kind of helping you understand how mortgage interest rates work?"

Prospect: "Yeah, that'd be great."

"Okay. Well, mortgage interest rates are set by what's called mortgage-backed securities, and those are traded actually on Wall Street. And they move every day very closely in relation to the 10-year Treasury bond. So you legitimately could call 10 lenders today and 10 lenders tomorrow, the same 10 lenders, and you'll get 10 different answers. So, unfortunately, there's no real way to find who has the quote/unquote "lowest" interest rate. Now, you can say, 'Well, here's my situation, here's my scenario. I'm going to put X amount of dollars down. Here's my credit score,' because there's about 23 different things that I would need to know about you in order to accurately quote you an interest rate. So, have you called other lenders, and they've given you an interest rate?"

"Yeah, quite a few."

You: "Okay. Well, just kind of a cautionary tale here: most of those lenders, unless they've asked you those 23 questions, they're just trying to sell you on the lowest rate possible to hook you in, and then they will maneuver that interest rate later based upon where your actual situation lands. I don't feel comfortable doing that. I feel like it would be irresponsible of me, and as a fiduciary, I want to give you the exact right numbers. Now, are you familiar with how discount points work and how you can kind of manage your cost versus your interest rate?"

Prospect: "No, I'm not really aware of that."

You: "Okay. Well, for example, you can go and look on a website, and they'll have an interest rate posted, and in the fine print, they might

have, well, this rate comes with two points, and it comes with 40% down, and it comes with an 800 credit score and so on and so forth. But no one ever pays attention to the fine print. They just look at the interest rate, and that's the hook for most mortgage lenders. The reason why you're likely calling us, either you saw reviews, or you referred to us, is because we give clients the best interest rate for them, their situation today, but most importantly, for their situation over the next 6, 12 months, and years ahead, because that's the important part of this. What I would tell you, Mr. Smith, is that the interest rate you take today, you will almost certainly not have for very long. And so how you structure the cost in relation to your interest rate is going to be actually more important than the interest rate you pay in the interim.

“Now, I know this is a lot of information, and it might be a little overwhelming, but I would encourage you to just, let's go through our process. I can ask some questions, and then in our consultation, I can get very detailed around what interest rate is appropriate for you and why. And then you'll have all the information you need, and then you can really start asking and answering these questions in a more educated way. And I think you deserve that because if you just keep calling people, asking for interest rates, you're going to get a lot of salespeople and, unfortunately not a lot of consultative advice. So are you okay having us start this process and then we can learn as we go?"

Prospect’s realization at the end of the conversation: "Okay, there's a lot I don't know about this. Asking what's your rate to a bunch of different lenders is essentially not a good strategy because I've just learned that it doesn't make sense, and this guy has taught me something that no other lender has taken the time to do. So I'm going to stick with him a bit longer to really understand what's happening."