Mrs.Jones, it's Kurt Kessler from Barrett Financial did I catch you at a bad time?
First of all, because I know that you're probably busy moving in your new home. Congratulations, by the way. I'm so happy for you and your family, thrilled that we were able to be able to work with you and help you and get you into your home. Is this a convenient time? And if she gave me the green light, then I would then roll into the following. The first thing that I wanted to ask you is to share with me if there's anything that we could do for you right now. Did you get your first payment coupon? Is there anything, any questions that you have for me and my team? Is there any way that we can help?
Mrs. Jones, as I described to you several weeks back, my job really just begins when your first loan closes with me because from here forward, it's my job to assist you in managing the largest indebtedness that you'll ever take on in your life. And in addition to that, I want to be a conduit. I want to be a resource to you. So I want you to think of me whenever you have needs in the financial sector, if you have an accountant need or if you have a financial planner need or an insurance agent need, I happen to be blessed to be connected with some really outstanding people in those professions. And I'd be happy to make introductions for you going forward.
And I also want to remind you that on an annualized basis, we're going to be contacting you to do an annual mortgage checkup an annual mortgage review with you to make sure that we're touching base with you, finding out about any changes that may have transpired in your life, any new needs that you may have, and to make sure that this debt that we just took out and placed on your home is the appropriate loan. Because sometimes life changes. And when it does, we want to be able to adjust for you and with you. But we wouldn't be able to do that if we didn't know about it. That's why we're proactively reaching out to you. Now finally, Mrs. Jones, I wanted to say thank you for taking the time while you were signing your loan documents to fill out this customer service survey that I have in front of me right now. And I really appreciate the feedback that you gave us. And I really appreciate the fact that you gave us all fives on a scale of one to five in every category, which really is quite flattering. But at the same time, I'd like to ask you to think for a moment about anything that you wish would've been different, anything that we could have done better. Because even though you gave us high scores on everything, it's really important to me that we are looking to improve and get better at what we do. My hope is that we'll work with you several more times and maybe with some of your friends and family members. And the only way we're going to improve upon our processes of customer service and our systems is for us to get valuable feedback from people like you. And hopefully, if you have any for me, then I'm going to be able to implement that and make our services better.